Memories App
Don’t let the memories delete keep them safe
The purpose of the app is to help people who love to explore share their experiences with other users who have similar interests. The app is called memories because it serves as a space where different users each share with other users places they’ve visited or places they want to visit while also learning about new places which they might also love to visit.
For this project we have the following people and the roles they contributed in making the app a success;
Ojo Timilehin Joseph: Ojo Timilehin worked with the front-end aspect of the web app and also partially with the back-end.
Eba Mengistu Baisa: Eba Mengistu worked with the back-end server of the web app and partially with the front-end.
Akinrinmade Oluwadamilola: Oluwadamilola also worked on the frontend aspect of the web app, and learnt along the way how the backend structure works.
The app is targeted towards people who love to travel, explore and share their experiences with other people who also loves to travel and explore.
Let’s take for example;
Tony needs a web app where he can share his experience based on the event or location he has been to, the web app gives him space to do that
The problem the app intends to solve is to allow people share their favorite events, and places with other users. However, what this app can’t solve is connecting people together, like sending and receiving friend requests or sending a private message to other users, you can only share experiences about an event or place with other users on the platform.
The following are the results we’ve been able to achieve so far with the project
Technologies that used for this project:
- React.js: React is a JavaScript framework and we used it for the front-end part, the reason why we concluded to use react for the front-end is because react helps us to design awesome user experience web app .
- Node.js: Node.js is also a JavaScript framework as well basically used to build a back-end server of an app and we used this framework to build the back-end server for our app, so we can send and retrieve information from our database.
- MongoDB: MongoDB is a NOSQL database, and we used it for databases to send and retrieve information easily. The reason we choose a NOSQL database is to save us time while coding and debugging the back-end.
Below is a diagram of the structure of the type of architecture used in the project;
We have successfully added a landing page to the app, and the website can be accessed on a mobile device, This means users can access the project from a mobile view!
While working on this project we used javascript for majority of the project and who knew Javascript could be so beautiful! I especially fell in love with Node.js
I chose to work on this project because i love exploring new ideas and when i found out we will be creating an app that allows users share the experience of places they’ve been to or places they most likely want to visit i immediately got curious as to what the project will contain, during the course of this project i’ve learnt a lot along the way most especially Team work. I loved working on the front-end part of the project and i look forward to completing more front-end tasks in the future.
To simply put I will describe myself as a risk taker, an hardworking and patient person, I’ve always been curious about a lot of things science being a part of that curiosity. Whenever i get curious about something I make a lot of research and keep learning about it.